Value Orientation and Theoretical Basis of Development Curriculum
Release time:2022-12-26     Views:

一、Value Orientation of Development Curriculum

The name Development Curriculum was given to the curriculum of BNUK. The essence of Development Curriculum is that it is fundamental to promote children's development and is key to improving teacher's quality.

The value orientation of Development Curriculum is embodied in the following aspects:

1. Children are individuals who develop activelywhich is the starting point and ultimate aim of the curriculum.

2. Education should support children's development, and education should go ahead of development.

3. Curriculum is a dynamic process that teachers and children construct together.

二、Theoretical Basis of Development Curriculum

The practical research of Development Curriculum is a process from imitation and reference to continuous practice and innovation. In this process, various educational theories and practice methods have a profound impact on our kindergarten's curriculum.

1. Dewey and Tao Xingzhi's Educational Theory

2. Vygotsky's Educational Theory

3. Constructivism Theory Based on Piaget's Cognitive Development Theory

4. Montessori Education Method

5. Reggio Emilia Approach

6. "Learning by doing" Scientific Education Model