Objectives and Contents of Development Curriculum
Release time:2022-12-26     Views:

一、Objectives of Development Curriculum

1. General objectives

Based on the Five Domains(healthy, language, society, nature, art) in the Guidelines for Kindergarten Education (Trial) and the Guidelines for Early Learning and Development for 3-6 Years Old, and drawing on the traditional Chinese ethics of "benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom and trust" and the Socialist Core Values at the citizen level of "patriotism, dedication, integrity and friendship",and considering children's age characteristics, we set the overall goal of Development Curriculum as follows:

To cultivate children who are healthy and optimistic (optimistic), kind and loving (caring),civilized and polite (courteous), curious and intelligent (wise), honest and beautiful (aesthetic).

2. Specific objectives

① Develop healthy living habits and basic safety awareness and ability initially, love sports, have good physical quality, love labor, be willing to do what you can, and have an optimistic attitude.

② Love animals, plants and the environment, love the people around you and the organizations you belong to, and learn to care, help, share, cooperate, and be grateful, honest and trustworthy in common life.

③ Learn and abide by the basic rules of social behavior in daily life, learn and use civilized etiquette, and develop civilized behavior habits.

④ Willing to get close to the nature and contact new things, trying to discover the similarities and differences as well as the connections between things, be curious, interested and able to explore.

⑤ Like beautiful things, can initially feel, discover, appreciate the beauty of nature, life, culture and art, and boldly try to express beauty.

二、Contents of Development Curriculum

The content of the kindergarten curriculum can be classified from different angles and different standards. According to the concept of "child-oriented" and with the goals mentioned above, the content of the Development Curriculum is divided into selfhood, nature, society and culture based on the combination of the subject and psychology.

1. Selfhood

Personal self: refers to the characteristics, values and abilities of individuals, involving their own body, gender, preferences, abilities and other aspects, such as "I like painting".

Relational self: refers to the self in intimate relationships, involving family members and relatives.

Social self: refers to the social role and reputation in interpersonal relationships, involving teachers, peers and other familiar persons, such as "I am a favorite child".

Collective self: refers to the groups that people belong to in public relations, and places themselves in specific groups for understanding, such as "I am a child in XX Kindergarten", "My hometown is Beijing", and "I am Chinese".

     2. Nature

Plants: appearance characteristics, structure, growth and change process, growth environment (conditions), function and diversity.

Animals: appearance characteristics, body structure and function, feeding habits, growth and change process, environment, reproduction, diversity.

Material: outstanding characteristics, changes and functions under specific conditions.

Natural phenomena: obvious characteristics of the four seasons, weather phenomena (sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy, windy, haze, etc.).

Mathematics: number and operation, pattern and relationship, quantity and measurement, geometry and space, and using mathematical knowledge to solve problems.

3. Society

Social common sense:  about the surrounding cultural environment, daily necessities, vehicles , production tools, etc.

Social rules:  the rules in life, play and learning.

Interpersonal communication: the communication with their families, teachers, peers and people around children, involving the attitude, methods and abilities of communication.

4. Culture

Behavior culture: refers to people's lifestyle, actual behavior, attitude, etc.

Achievement culture: refers to artistic and literary achievements.

     Traditional culture: the Excellent Chinese Traditional Culture