Diversified Theme Activities
Our Favorite Moon Cake Boxes
Release time:2022-12-26     Views:

Teacher: Huang Shan

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, the children brought many moon cake boxes to the kindergarten.

First: Appreciating a Moon Cake Box

“I like the image of Chang-e on the box.”

“I like the ancient general in armor riding the horse.”

“I like the dragon and phoenix on the box.”

“I like the Beijing Opera face masks on the box.”

“I like the clouds on the box.”

“The red and gold colors represent great fineness.”

“The shapes of the Moon cake boxes are of great variety.”

The children spontaneously learned to draw the pictures on the moon cake boxes in the few days using their imagination and creativity.

One day, two children suggested holding a moon cake box exhibition, so the following activities were begun.

Second: Moon Cake Box Exhibition

Collecting Moon Cake Boxes
The children were organized to collect moon cake boxes from the other classes.

Selection Process for the Exhibition Site: Voting

The children decided the exhibition site with a vote. The result was that 17 votes supported the Music Room; 11votes were for the hallway, and 10 for the yard. As a result, it was decided to hold the exhibition in the Music Room.

Setting out boxes in different categories and decorating the exhibits
The children placed the moon cake boxes first in groupings, based on the pictures on them, including the character designs, flowers,
and animals, and second in order of the size of the boxes in each grouping.

Designing tickets and advertisements
The children collaboratively completed three promotional posters posted on two teaching buildings and the Kindergarten gate and then sent tickets to each class.

Checking the tickets and giving a presentation
The children divided the exhibit work into checking tickets, making a presentation, and organizing. All the children in the Kindergarten came to visit.

Third: Ships made with the Moon Cake Boxes

After the moon cake box exhibition was finished, the boxes were put in the classroom. One boy in the manual crafts area asked the teacher, “Can we use the boxes to make ships?” And so, in the hands of the children the moon cake boxes were transformed into robots, aircraft carriers, amphibious vehicles, and other works.